Kamala Harris Renounces Past, Embraces Trump’s Border Wall

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 10 days ago

**Flip-Flop Alert: Kamala Harris Tries to Claim Trump's Border Wall As Her Own**

In a surprising turn of events, Vice President Kamala Harris has faced scrutiny for her abrupt change of stance on border security, particularly regarding the very wall she once vehemently opposed.

During a town hall event and subsequent campaign ad, Harris embraced the border wall initiatives originally proposed by former President Donald Trump.

This newfound support comes after years of her denouncing the project as a “medieval vanity project” and criticizing it as a “symbol designed to send the cold, hard message: keep out.”

In an investigative segment aired on CNN, host Erin Burnett highlighted Harris’ flip-flopping, referencing over 50 instances where she attacked the wall.

For instance, her own book, *The Truths We Hold*, outlines her strong opposition to what she referred to as a "useless wall," arguing it fundamentally contradicts American values.

Yet, despite labeling the wall as "stupid," Harris' campaign is now featuring it prominently, a move that begs the question: what has changed?

The timing of this shift is particularly intriguing, considering her simultaneous calls for a bipartisan border security bill that would allocate funds to continue building the structure she once criticized.

Even CNN, a network not known for conservative leanings, could not overlook the contradiction in her current rhetoric.

In a separate commentary, CNN contributor Andrew Kaczynski pointed out that the recent campaign visuals featured sections of the wall built during Trump's administration, highlighting the irony of a candidate who previously sought to distance herself from Trump's policies now attempting to adopt them.

As Harris makes these changes, many wonder if this is a calculated effort to appeal to a broader base ahead of the 2024 election or a genuine reflection of evolving opinions.

Regardless, her attempts to distance herself from past statements showcase the pressures faced by Democratic candidates in a climate increasingly focused on border security and illegal immigration.

This latest revelation serves as a reminder: when it comes to policy and principles, it’s the consistency that voters value.

As the election heats up, how well will the Biden administration reconcile its previous positions with the demands of an electorate fed up with open-border policies?


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