Harris's Flip-Flopping Raises Questions About Her Integrity

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 13 days ago

**Confusion Reigns as Harris Flips-Flops on Key Issues**

In a stunning display of inconsistency, Vice President Kamala Harris finds herself under scrutiny for her recent comments regarding fracking and immigration policies.

Once staunchly opposed to fracking, Harris now claims she has never supported a ban on the practice, a reversal that seems to be more about political expediency than convictions.

During a recent CNN interview, she attempted to explain her shift, stating, “As vice president I did not ban fracking, and as president I will not ban fracking.”

Yet, the Vice President’s previous statements clearly expressed her support for a fracking ban, a position she took in 2019 during a town hall meeting. Critics suggest that her latest comments are an attempt to appeal to voters in Pennsylvania, a significant swing state where energy production is vital to the economy.

Daniel Turner, leading the energy advocacy group Power the Future, pointed out the potential dangers of Harris's fickle position, stating, "If Kamala Harris can so quickly reject her firm energy positions from the past, there is no telling how quickly she’ll renounce today’s positions in the future.”

In addition to her energy policy flip-flopping, Harris’s recent remarks about immigration further illustrate her inconsistency. The Vice President, who once mocked former President Trump’s border wall as a “vanity project,” now supports a Senate immigration bill that allocates $650 million for constructing the very wall she criticized.

Harris acknowledged in her CNN interview that those who illegally cross the border should face “consequences,” a notable shift from her past rhetoric where she claimed, “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

This newfound commitment to border enforcement may come across as a desperate attempt to win over moderate voters as the Biden administration continues to face mounting pressures regarding illegal immigration.

While Harris attempts to portray herself as tough on border security, her earlier statements and policy positions raise questions about her sincerity and effectiveness. Former President Donald Trump has seized upon these contradictions, remarking at a recent rally, “Now she’s saying ‘oh we want to build a strong border.’ Where has she been for three and a half years?”

As the 2024 campaign season heats up, Harris's shifting stances may prove more detrimental than beneficial to her political future, leaving many to wonder if her true convictions align with her current rhetoric.


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