Trump Warns America: Military Ammunition Stocks Alarmingly Low

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 14 days ago

**America on the Brink: Trump Sounding Alarm over Depleted Ammunition Stocks**

In a stark warning, former President Donald Trump has raised serious concerns about the state of America's ammunition supplies, attributing the crisis to the Biden administration's foreign aid policies.

During a recent rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, Trump emphasized the vulnerability of the United States' military readiness, pointing out that Biden has drained our stockpiles to support foreign conflicts, particularly in Ukraine.

"They released a report talking about all of the vulnerable areas. We're weak here, we're weak there," Trump said, referring to a recent report assessing America's defense capabilities. He continued, "That's like saying, 'We have no ammunition.' You know why? We gave it all up to Ukraine and various other places. We gave them everything."

As the Biden administration has increasingly funneled military assistance to Ukraine, experts warn that U.S. military capacities are diminishing at an alarming rate. The National Defense Strategy Commission’s report highlighted that in a potential conflict with global adversaries like China, America’s munitions could be exhausted in a matter of weeks.

This situation has raised eyebrows among military analysts and former officials alike, underscoring the critical need for a reevaluation of defense priorities. Trump is campaigning on a promise to restore American military strength, vowing to end unnecessary foreign aid that detracts from domestic security needs.

Moreover, at a time when Congress is considering another $12 billion in aid for Ukraine, Trump's message resonates with voters concerned about prioritizing the safety and defense of American citizens over foreign obligations.

The former president also pledged a significant investment in rebuilding the military if he returns to the Oval Office, stating, "We will not allow our country to be weak under my watch."

With Biden's foreign policy facing increasing scrutiny and disapproval, Trump's stance is positioning him as a defender of national sovereignty and security in the run-up to the 2024 elections. As voters look toward the future, many will consider Trump's commitment to strengthening America's military as a critical factor in their decision-making.

In an era marked by geopolitical uncertainty, the question remains: Can the Biden administration's approach stand against the escalating threats abroad, or will it take a decisive leader like Trump to reclaim America's military might?


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