Big Tech Censorship: Biden Administration's Stifling Influence Revealed

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 17 days ago


A new scandal has erupted involving Big Tech and the Biden-Harris administration, highlighting ongoing concerns about governmental overreach and the suppression of free speech.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently provided explicit testimony regarding the pressures exerted by officials from the current administration to censor Americans on Facebook.

In a striking admission to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg revealed that the Biden White House pressured his team for months to remove certain content related to COVID-19, to the extent that even humor about the pandemic was targeted.

This revelation draws attention to the troubling reality that social media platforms are increasingly bowing to government pressure instead of protecting user free speech rights.

Zuckerberg not only acknowledged this undue influence but also expressed regret for not pushing back more forcefully against such demands.

He also disclosed that the FBI had misled Facebook about a supposed Russian disinformation campaign concerning the Biden family and Burisma, which led to the suppression of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story right before the 2020 election.

As a result of these actions, one of the most critical pieces of investigative journalism in recent memory was effectively buried, demonstrating how corporate interests and governmental machinations can undermine a free and fair press.

Zuckerberg has since pledged to end funding to progressive election groups, signaling a shift in his approach to neutrality in future elections.

The implications of this situation extend beyond just Facebook.

It raises the question of whether other tech giants are complicit in similar censorship practices, and what that means for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

American voters deserve transparency and accountability when it comes to the information they receive, especially in an era where digital platforms have become the primary source for news consumption.

As conservatives express their concerns about bias in media and technology, it’s essential that this matter receive the scrutiny it deserves.

The stakes are high as the electorate approaches a pivotal election, and the need for integrity and fairness in media coverage has never been more critical.


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