FDA's Monkeypox Claims Raise Serious Public Health Concerns

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 22 days ago

The truth about the so-called "monkeypox virus" has been thrown into serious question following revelations about the FDA's lack of evidence for its existence.

Documents recently made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by investigative reporter Christine Massey have stirred controversy by revealing that the FDA has no records substantiating the claims surrounding the monkeypox virus.

This bold admission raises serious concerns about a public health narrative that has captivated the nation.

According to Massey's findings, the FDA has failed to present any scientific proof that the monkeypox virus exists.

None of the records indicate that the FDA can substantiate claims about the existence of the virus or its alleged contagion.

In an astonishing twist, the documents outline that the FDA possesses no verified data on the virus's genome or its purification from host tissues.

Despite these revelations, the FDA has approved vaccines and diagnostics to combat the alleged monkeypox outbreak, presenting a paradox between regulatory actions and scientific evidence.

The FDA, according to its Director of the Division of Freedom of Information, Sarah B. Kotler, stated that it does not regulate or treat viruses, raising questions about how public health authorities proceed when evidence is absent.

As public scrutiny intensifies, one can’t help but wonder who truly benefits from this fearful narrative.

With shares from monkeypox vaccine producers rising, it seems that some stakeholders might indeed profit significantly from the propagated urgency regarding this supposed outbreak.

The questions surrounding the integrity of the health officials are compounded by warnings from professionals like Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who has voiced concerns that the symptoms people associate with monkeypox may actually be side effects of COVID-19 vaccinations, thereby shifting the blame onto the very vaccines that were supposed to protect the public.

This incident invites a broader dialogue on the reliability of health communication and the motivations behind pharmaceutical endorsements.

While the agency may continue issuing Emergency Use Authorizations and push vaccines for a condition lacking solid scientific grounding, citizens are left grappling with the reality of an evolving public health narrative that seems increasingly questionable.

Now, more than ever, accountability from health authorities is essential to maintain public trust.


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