Alabama Non-Citizen Voter Rolls Demand Election Integrity Action

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 25 days ago

**Non-Citizens in Alabama’s Voter Rolls: A Wake-Up Call for Election Integrity**

In a startling revelation, Alabama’s Secretary of State, Wes Allen, has exposed a concerning truth: over 3,200 non-citizens were found registered to vote in the state.

This discovery comes during a critical voter roll purge aimed at ensuring that only eligible citizens participate in the democratic process.

The purge, which Allen initiated, uncovered these non-citizens through cross-checking voter data with centralized state records that include "alien registration numbers."

While it’s important to note that not all of these individuals are illegal immigrants, the implication raises serious questions about the integrity of the electoral system.

Election integrity has become a paramount concern among conservatives who believe that safeguarding the voting process is essential for the health of democracy.

With this recent find, Alabama joins a growing list of states that are taking decisive action to ensure that elections are fair and transparent.

This incident also highlights the necessity for states to implement strict measures to verify citizenship before allowing individuals to register and vote.

In a related effort, Arizona's Republican Party is appealing to the Supreme Court for permission to enforce a law requiring proof of citizenship for presidential elections. This development signals a renewed commitment to uphold the Constitution and states' rights to establish their own voter qualifications.

As Alabama’s findings circulate, the call for strengthened voter ID laws and rigorous verification processes grows louder among conservatives.

The American public deserves a voting system that reflects the will of its citizens, free from the shadows of ineligible participants.

As we head into an election cycle, let these revelations serve as a rallying cry for an even more vigilant stance on maintaining the sanctity of our electoral process.

It’s time for every citizen to ensure their voice truly counts, and that starts with responsible governance and stringent checks on voter registration.


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