Democrat Fundraises for Controversial Group Linked to Terrorism

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 25 days ago

**Outrage: Democrat Congresswoman Fundraises for Controversial Group Linked to Terrorist Advocacy**

In a shocking display of political alignment, Rep. Susan Wild, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, has organized a birthday fundraiser benefiting the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), an organization that has garnered significant criticism for its radical stance on issues of national security and law enforcement.

This group has openly expressed support for the controversial decriminalization of Hamas, the militant organization responsible for the October 7 terror attacks that killed over a thousand innocent Israeli civilians.

Wild's actions come as she faces a tough reelection battle in a district that has increasingly leaned Republican following redistricting. Despite her claims of being a bipartisan representative, the Pennsylvania congresswoman's ties to AFSC raise serious questions about her commitment to American values and security.

The AFSC has a notorious history, dating back decades, of defending violent regimes and controversial political figures. Their rhetoric often places the blame for violence at the feet of Israel, dismissing the terror reign under Hamas, and espousing narratives that align more closely with anti-Semitic rhetoric than with the values of a democratic society.

This recent fundraising effort, which collected nearly $1,700, echoes past controversies surrounding prominent Democrats. For example, Vice President Kamala Harris faced backlash for her financial support of groups that promoted bail for individuals involved in violent protests. Wild's fundraising effort comes on the heels of her previous political missteps, including a driving incident during a campaign event that drew widespread scrutiny.

Her opponent, Republican Ryan Mackenzie, is capitalizing on Wild's radical affiliations, positioning himself as a candidate who prioritizes the safety and security of his constituents over partisan ideologies. In a political climate increasingly aware of the consequences of radical leftist policies, Wild's campaign could be severely impacted by these revelations.

Despite proclaiming to be "very pro-Israel," her support of an organization that has defended figures associated with genocide and terrorism undermines any semblance of credibility on the issue. The disconnect between her public persona and private associations raises alarms as she attempts to navigate a challenging reelection path.

As the election approaches, Wild's efforts to align herself with extremist groups could prove politically damaging, exposing her to growing discontent among voters who prioritize safety, security, and national integrity over divisive and radical claims.


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