Alabama Officials Expose Biden's Illegal Voting Agenda

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 34 days ago

In an alarming development for election integrity, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen has revealed that the Biden-Harris administration is allegedly pushing a covert agenda to enlist illegal aliens in participating in American elections.

Allen's disclosure comes amid a troubling federal policy that mandates government agencies provide voter registration information to noncitizens when they interact with these services.

This directive has raised serious concerns, as individuals who have broken the law to enter the country are now being welcomed onto Alabama’s voter rolls.

“Biden’s attempt to take advantage of the crisis he created at the border by tying the hands of agencies such as Medicaid and forcing them to enact his scheme is disgraceful,” stated Secretary Allen.

Recent investigations have uncovered that over 3,000 individuals in Alabama who possess noncitizen identification numbers are registered to vote.

Allen has taken decisive action, instructing local Boards of Registrars across all 67 counties to inactivate these voters immediately and initiate steps to remove them from the rolls altogether.

“I have been clear that I will not tolerate the participation of noncitizens in our elections,” he emphasized.

Despite numerous requests for a list of illegal aliens from federal authorities, the Department of Homeland Security has failed to comply, prompting Allen to take matters into his own hands.

His rigorous examination of voter files aims to safeguard election integrity and ensure that only U.S. citizens exercise the right to vote.

These developments in Alabama illustrate a growing national concern about the potential for noncitizens to influence electoral outcomes, a prospect that many Republicans have vehemently opposed.

With mounting evidence of widespread vulnerabilities in voter registration processes, it’s essential for states to take assertive action to uphold the sanctity of elections and protect the rights of American citizens.

As the Biden administration continues to advocate for policies that many argue threaten American governance, states like Alabama are stepping up to reclaim control over their electoral systems and ensure that American democracy remains intact.


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