Democratic Disarray: Harris Avoids Press Before 2024

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 34 days ago

**Disarray** is the only word that can describe the current state of the Democratic Party as it prepares for the 2024 election cycle.

With President Joe Biden exiting the race amidst waves of concern over his deteriorating mental and physical health, Vice President Kamala Harris has been thrust into the spotlight without a clear path forward.

Despite her new role as the presumed nominee, Harris's inability to engage transparently with the media raises pressing questions about her candidacy and readiness to lead.

Recent reports reveal that she has avoided significant press conferences for months, with her last major interview occurring back in December 2023.

The American people deserve to hear directly from their next potential leader, yet Harris remains locked away from tough questioning, preferring instead to rely on stale, pre-packaged press releases and sympathetic outlets.

This lack of transparency isn't just a political strategy; it's a stark indication of her inability to confront the pressing issues facing our nation.

The contrast with former President Donald Trump could not be more clear. Trump has been actively engaging with the public and the media, demonstrating his willingness to answer challenging questions regardless of the platform.

In the face of adversity, including surviving a recent assassination attempt, Trump embraced the press, showcasing his resilience and commitment to communicating directly with the American people.

Conversely, Harris’s retreat into obscurity should raise alarms about her preparedness to lead. The public's skepticism is warranted, as she frequently espoused radical positions during her own campaign, only to willingly shift her stance once she was handed the crown by party elites.

Policies that once called for extreme measures, such as banning air travel and embracing progressive immigration reforms, now appear to be conveniently forgotten.

While Harris repositions herself to appeal to a broader electorate, the media remains complicit in its failure to demand accountability from her, choosing instead to propagate a narrative that shields her from scrutiny.

In a democracy that values transparency and accountability, Harris's calculated silence underlines her weakness as a candidate.

As the 2024 race takes shape, the American public must ask themselves: Are they prepared to support a candidate who shuns the very principles of openness and dialogue that are fundamental to strong democratic leadership?

With the stakes higher than ever, the void left by Harris’s unwillingness to engage only reinforces the notion that she may not be ready for the challenges of the presidency.


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