Walz's False Claims Against Vance Exposed as Dishonest

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 35 days ago

Tim Walz's misstatements about Republican Senator J.D. Vance have come under fire, revealing a troubling pattern of deceit from the Democratic campaign.

During a speech in Los Angeles, Walz accused Vance of never having supported any pro-worker legislation throughout his time in office.

This claim was swiftly debunked by fact-checkers from The Washington Post, which awarded Walz's statement the dubious distinction of "Four Pinocchios," indicating it was not only false but on par with the biggest whoppers in political discourse.

The left's reliance on selective statistics was evident when Walz's team cited a scorecard from the AFL-CIO, an organization that often plays partisan politics, to bolster their argument.

However, this scorecard only considered Vance's votes during a single year and ignored the fact he co-sponsored significant pro-worker legislation, specifically the 2023 Railway Safety Act.

This legislation aimed to enhance safety measures to protect rail workers following the Norfolk Southern train derailment.

Despite a lack of support from the Democrat-controlled Senate, the bill garnered strong endorsements from unions, demonstrating Vance's commitment to worker safety.

Moreover, Vance’s history reveals a deep-seated understanding of the struggles faced by American workers.

Raised in Middletown, Ohio, a city that has been hit hard by deindustrialization, Vance's upbringing contrasts starkly with Walz's narrative.

He comes from a background where his family was directly involved in union activities, yet Walz's claim seeks to portray him as removed from the realities of working-class Americans.

Walz’s attempts to vilify Vance not only reveal a calculated effort to misinform but also distract from his own questionable political past.

The 1995 DWI incident, which resurfaced recently, shows Walz’s history of misleading the public.

At the time of his first congressional campaign in 2006, he downplayed his drinking and driving arrest, instead claiming that a hearing impairment impacted his ability to understand the police's instructions.

However, police records and numerous eyewitness accounts contradict his narrative, confirming that he not only failed a breathalyzer test but also admitted to drinking before being stopped by the police.

Given this troubling track record, Walz's unfounded assaults on Vance's commitment to workers seem desperate and hollow.

As the political landscape heats up, voters deserve honesty.

With Vance accepted as the GOP vice presidential nominee alongside former President Donald Trump, his proven track record of supporting legislation that benefits workers should resonate with the electorate.

In contrast, the deceptive tactics employed by Walz and his campaign only serve to undermine their credibility as the election nears.


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