Kamala Harris' Discriminatory Record Concerns Christian Voters

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 26 days ago

**Discrimination: Kamala Harris' Anti-Christian Record Raises Serious Concerns for 2024 Presidential Bid**

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, questions surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris' treatment of individuals of faith—especially Catholics—are becoming impossible to ignore.

Recent revelations highlight a troubling pattern of behavior that some critics have labeled as outright discrimination against Christians.

Catholic columnist Ashley McGuire has brought attention to Harris' history of targeting religious individuals and organizations.

Her scrutiny began during the 2018 confirmation hearings for Brian Buescher, a Knight of Columbus nominated for a federal judgeship.

During this period, Harris implied that Buescher's affiliation with this Catholic fraternal organization posed a conflict of interest, questioning whether he would resign to avoid any appearance of bias.

This inquiry raised eyebrows as many see it as a clear violation of the constitutional principle that prohibits religious tests for office.

McGuire pointed to Harris' sponsorship of various legislation that further underscores her adversarial stance toward religious freedom.

Among these is the controversial Do No Harm Act, which would mandate healthcare providers, including religiously affiliated organizations, to perform services contrary to their beliefs.

Moreover, the Equality Act, which Harris has championed, seeks to undermine the Religious Freedom Restoration Act—a widely supported law meant to protect religious liberties.

Other cases illustrate Harris' commitment to enforcing policies that disregard religious principles, such as her support for the California FACT Act, which could force crisis pregnancy centers to refer women to abortion facilities.

As Harris positions herself as a leading contender for the Democratic nomination, her record raises significant concerns about her willingness to protect the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

In a time when the nation is deeply divided, her past actions could resonate with voters who prioritize religious freedom in their decision-making.

With the election just around the corner, the implications of Harris' history are extensive and could play a crucial role in shaping the political landscape.

Thus, understanding her record becomes essential for those evaluating the choices ahead.


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