Biden Administration's Betrayal of Israel Alarms Allies

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 36 days ago

The betrayal of America’s ally, Israel, by the Biden-Harris administration continues to deepen, raising serious concerns among supporters of democracy and freedom globally.

Recent reports reveal an alarming trend whereby the administration has prioritized political expediency over long-standing alliances.

In a move that many see as a capitulation to Iranian aggression, reports have surfaced about a high-level American delegation that allegedly visited Tehran, not to strengthen ties or affirm support for Israel, but to remind Iranian leaders of their ignorance regarding Israeli intelligence operations.

According to sources, this U.S. envoy was dispatched to convey a “calming and cautionary” message to Iran after the recent assassination of prominent Hamas and Hezbollah figures, which Israel conducted without notifying Washington.

Instead of reinforcing American commitments to its allies, the Biden-Harris government reportedly sought to placate the Iranian regime by implying that Israel acted independently, thus creating a narrative of mistrust across the Atlantic.

Additionally, in what amounts to a dangerous precedent, the delegation allegedly presented the names of ten Israeli Mossad agents involved in operations against Iranian interests.

This gesture did not go unnoticed, as many critics have drawn parallels to historical acts of betrayal that undermine alliances formed in the interests of national security.

As Israel continues to face existential threats from hostile neighbors, the Biden administration's attempts to downplay their allegiance by downplaying Israel's autonomy raises serious questions about their true loyalties.

The actions of this administration suggest a troubling pivot away from Israel, as they have also withheld critical military aid, and despite public statements claiming support for Israel, their actions reflect a different story.

Each step taken by the Biden-Harris administration appears to be a calculated move toward appeasement rather than a solidified stance in favor of a vital ally.

With upcoming elections on the horizon, voters must remain vigilant about who is in power, as leadership greatly impacts international alliances and national security.

As polls indicate a potential shift in the Senate's balance of power, the necessity for strong, principled leadership in American foreign policy has never been clearer.

The American people, along with genuine supporters of Israel, must demand a reversal of policies that not only embolden adversaries like Iran but also jeopardize the security of our closest allies.


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