Kamala Harris Supporters Struggle to Name Accomplishments

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 36 days ago

**Ignorant Support? Kamala Harris Rally-Goers Struggle to Name an Accomplishment**

In a striking revelation from a recent rally in Phoenix, supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris showcased a alarming lack of awareness regarding her actual policies and accomplishments.

Attendees at the event were repeatedly challenged to identify any significant achievement made by the Vice President. The results were disappointing, with many focusing on her identity rather than her record in office.

One supporter stated, “Honestly, I’m not too into politics, I’m just here for the vibe,” underscoring a rather cavalier attitude toward the issues that will shape the country’s future.

When pressed about Harris's immigration achievements, one attendee expressed confusion about the current border crisis, which has worsened significantly under her watch as the so-called “Border Czar.” Critics have long pointed out that since her appointment in March 2021, illegal border crossings have skyrocketed.

While some supporters attempted to defend her actions, they largely skirted the topic of her response to the border situation. Instead, they relied on vague praises of Harris’s identity as the first female Vice President, which echoes a worrying trend in Democratic campaigns: promoting identity politics over substantive policy.

Polls indicate that many Democrats remain unaware of Harris's controversial positions. A recent Media Research Center study found that a staggering 71% to 86% of Biden-supporting voters were largely uninformed about her radical ideas, ranging from support for the Green New Deal to the abolishment of ICE.

Such oblivion is alarming, particularly coming from voters who should be informed about the policies of the candidate they are supporting.

Even mainstream media outlets have evaded critical discussions of Harris's extreme views on crucial issues like immigration, policing, and economic policy. With a notable lack of accountability from the press, the American electorate may find themselves voting without fully understanding the implications of their choices.

Moreover, a recent CNN segment attributed the struggles Harris faces with garnering support from black men to outdated gender roles informed by colonial history. This perspective seems to sidestep the more pressing concerns about her actual policies and performance.

The glaring absence of substantive discourse from Harris’s supporters raises crucial questions about the Democratic party’s strategy going into the upcoming election.

As Republicans gear up to challenge Harris, the apparent disconnect between her identity as a candidate and the actual policies she proposes may prove detrimental to her campaign as the election approaches.

In an era where informed voting is more critical than ever, the need for constituents to understand their candidates’ positions is paramount. The upcoming election should not just hinge on identity politics, but rather on the merits of tangible, beneficial policies that address the concerns of all Americans.


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