Biden's DOJ Labels Tulsi Gabbard As Domestic Terrorist

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 36 days ago

**Betrayal: Tulsi Gabbard Targeted by Biden’s DOJ as Potential Domestic Terrorist**

In a shocking revelation that underscores the growing concerns surrounding civil liberties, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has announced her legal action against the Biden administration after being placed on a watchlist characterized as a potential domestic terrorist.

Gabbard, a distinguished military veteran who served her country with honor, expressed her profound sense of betrayal upon learning she was being monitored by her own government.

“I enlisted to serve in our country’s military to ensure the safety, security, and freedom of the American people,” Gabbard stated, voicing her outrage at the government’s decision to label her as a domestic threat.

This chilling development raises alarm bells about the Biden-Harris administration's approach to public safety and national security, particularly as they shift focus from traditional threats to deeming political discourse and dissent as potential extremism.

Gabbard highlighted that many veterans like herself are now finding themselves unjustly categorized under the Biden administration’s escalating scrutiny of individuals with differing viewpoints.

She criticized the allocation of taxpayer resources to monitor political opponents, arguing that this tactic undermines the very freedoms they fought to defend.

The lack of transparency surrounding these watchlists exacerbates Gabbard's concerns, as she emphasized the need for accountability and clarity from a government that is increasingly politicizing national security concerns.

This incident reflects a broader trend where the current administration appears to be weaponizing governmental powers against its critics, stifling dissent under the guise of safeguarding democracy.

Gabbard's determination to challenge this unwarranted designation is not merely personal; it represents a critical stand for the rights of all Americans against what she describes as an alarming government overreach.

Her actions shine a light on the importance of safeguarding civil liberties in an era when political divisions have led to increased scrutiny of ordinary citizens voicing their opinions.

As this situation unfolds, it remains vital for Americans to remain vigilant about their rights, especially as governmental policies increasingly encroach on personal freedoms.

The implications of this story stretch far beyond Gabbard; they resonate with anyone who values free speech and the integrity of American democracy.


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