Biden's Immigration Policies Reveal Disturbing Deportation Failures

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 36 days ago

**Deception in Immigration Enforcement: A Report on the Biden-Harris Program’s Failure**

Amid escalating concerns about the Biden administration's handling of border security, recent revelations have surfaced about the government’s ineffective deportation program, which has allowed a staggering 90% of illegal migrants to remain in the United States.

Implemented in May 2023, the Family Expedited Removal Program aimed to address the influx of migrant families entering the country illegally.

Yet, data shows that of the 24,000 migrants processed under this program, only 2,600 have actually been deported.

This leaves over 22,000 individuals, many of whom entered the country unlawfully, still residing within U.S. borders.

Moreover, more than 3,600 migrants have gone missing from the program altogether, further calling into question the efficacy of this initiative.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green criticized the Biden administration’s approach, labeling it as yet another example of negligence and a blatant failure to enforce immigration laws.

He stated, “These numbers show that the Biden-Harris regime is not serious about securing the border or enforcing the law.”

Green's comments reflect growing frustration among Republicans regarding a perceived lack of diligence in handling immigration issues under the current administration.

Compounding this crisis is the continued rise in illegal crossings, with millions entering the U.S. since President Biden assumed office.

The program itself has been criticized for built-in loopholes that allow migrants to request a “fear-based” screening.

If denied, they can seek a further hearing before an immigration judge, a process that has kept many in the U.S. under a promise of eventual removal that has yet to materialize.

In a time when national security and law enforcement should be paramount, the inaction of high-ranking officials, including Vice President Kamala Harris—designated as the “Border Czar”—has been particularly disconcerting.

Ignored invitations from border states to address the surge reflect a broader trend of disengagement at the highest levels of government.

As the Biden administration grapples with criticism from lawmakers and citizens alike, the repercussions of this lax approach to immigration enforcement are being felt across the country.

Republicans argue that a robust immigration policy is essential for the safety and well-being of American citizens, countering what they view as the reckless and unaccountable leadership currently overseeing border security.

With a mere 10% deportation rate under the Biden-Harris program, it’s clear that real leadership and accountability are desperately needed to restore American confidence in border security and immigration enforcement.

As the situation unfolds, the American public is left questioning the true intentions behind this administration's immigration policies and whether they appear more focused on accommodating illegal immigration than on enforcing the rule of law.


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