Majority of Americans Believe Recession Has Arrived

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 36 days ago

**Economic Alarm Bells Ring as Most Americans Sense a Recession Looming**

A strong majority of Americans appear to be facing an unsettling truth: they believe the U.S. economy is already in a recession.

According to a recent survey, a staggering 59% of respondents feel that the downturn began approximately 15 months ago, in March 2023.

This perception has significant implications, as rising costs of living and widespread layoffs continue to weigh heavily on working families across the nation.

The survey results should serve as a wake-up call to policymakers who have been quick to downplay the economic struggles many Americans are enduring.

Retail giants, particularly in the home improvement sector, are feeling the impact as consumers cut back on discretionary spending. Home Depot recently adjusted its sales expectations downward, citing consumers' reluctance to invest in major home renovation projects due to escalating costs and fears regarding the economy.

This is not an isolated incident but part of a broader trend reflecting consumer sentiment.

The painful reality is that many households are facing dire choices, with nearly 39% of Americans reporting that they've skipped meals to prioritize rent or mortgage payments. That figure climbs to 44% among millennials, underscoring the severity of the financial pressures on younger generations.

Further compounding these issues, delinquency rates on credit card payments are on the rise. Roughly 9.1% of credit card balances transitioned into delinquency recently, indicating that many are struggling more than ever to keep their finances afloat.

As Americans grapple with rising costs and stagnant wages, confidence in future economic stability dwindles.

It is undeniably troubling that a majority of Americans feel the nation is on the brink of recession, reflecting widespread discontent not only with current economic conditions but also with the direction the country is headed.

This economic unease should serve as motivation for leaders in Washington, D.C., to reconsider the policies that have contributed to this malaise.

In times of economic distress, the American public deserves a government that prioritizes their financial wellbeing and acknowledges the very real challenges they face.

As the 2024 elections approach, it will be crucial for candidates to prioritize economic recovery strategies and policies designed to promote stability, prosperity, and the American Dream.


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