Democrats' Border Security Failures Endanger American Lives

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 37 days ago

**Crisis: Democrats' Failure in Border Security Puts America at Risk**

A critical failure in U.S. immigration strategy has emerged, spotlighting the alarming shortcomings of the Biden administration's border policy.

In a recent report from Todd Bensman, the fraught situation at the Darien Gap—a notorious migration route connecting Colombia and Panama—has exposed a glaring oversight in national security.

Over 1.5 million migrants from around the world, including individuals from Muslim-majority countries and China, are traversing this perilous path to reach the U.S. border.

Many of these migrants include individuals flagged as terrorists, having been captured by Panamanian authorities while attempting to cross into the United States.

"The Panamanians have rounded up several terrorists who were on the FBI’s watch list," reported Bensman, raising urgent questions about the Biden administration's response to this mounting crisis.

While Panama’s new president, Raul Molino, has pledged to take a strong stance by closing the Darien Gap and deporting those crossing illegally, the lack of support and follow-through from the U.S. has raised concerns about America’s commitment to border security.

Bensman highlighted that the Biden administration has all but abandoned its promise of aid and assistance, leaving our neighbors in Central America to fend for themselves.

With U.S. diplomatic efforts lacking incentive—such as potential sanctions on transit countries like Colombia—the critical opportunity to enhance border security and stop illegal immigration is slipping away.

This failure to act is not just a mere oversight; it endangers U.S. national security and exacerbates the ongoing immigration crisis.

Bensman emphasizes that without decisive government action, the situation will only escalate further, placing more American lives at risk.

The Biden administration’s dismissive approach towards upholding immigration laws starkly contrasts with the commitment to border security once championed by former President Donald Trump.

Under the Trump administration, significant strides were made to combat illegal immigration, including strict enforcement of immigration laws and the prioritization of national security.

In a further twist, the Democrats' desperation is evident as reports reveal that far-left activist Frank Sharry is advising Vice President Kamala Harris on immigration policy.

Sharry's track record includes advocating for open borders and celebrating the Biden administration's failures to enforce immigration law—an alarming sign of what America could face if Democrats maintain power.

Trump has been vocal in criticizing Harris for her ineffectiveness in addressing the border crisis, reminding voters that she has consistently failed in her duties as the appointed border czar.

The Biden administration’s immigration policy, hollowed out by leftist ideologies, poses a direct threat to the safety and sovereignty of the nation.

As the 2024 elections approach, it is vital for American voters to recognize the stakes of this issue.

Failure to secure our borders and protect our citizens leaves the door open for further chaos and crises, a clear lesson from the Democrats' prevailing agenda.

America deserves a government that prioritizes its citizens and national security, not one that is beholden to far-left ideals at the expense of common sense and safety.


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