Noncitizen Voting: A Dangerous Threat to Democracy

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 37 days ago

**Concerns Grow Over Noncitizen Voting: A Threat to American Democracy**

As the 2024 election cycle approaches, a staggering number of Americans find themselves increasingly alarmed by the prospect of noncitizens influencing election outcomes.

According to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, a majority—55%—of American voters believe it is likely that noncitizens are casting ballots in federal elections.

This growing apprehension comes on the heels of data showing that a significant 85% of respondents agree that only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote, cutting across party lines: 87% of Republicans, 81% of Democrats, and 86% of independents share this fundamental belief.

Despite the mounting evidence, mainstream media outlets have largely dismissed concerns about noncitizen voting, which only fuels public skepticism about the integrity of our electoral system.

Reports indicate that noncitizens are not merely potential or hypothetical voters; many have acknowledged their participation in previous elections, raising serious questions about election security.

In North Carolina, investigations revealed striking statistics, with noncitizens voting at a ratio favoring Democratic candidates by three to one.

Alarmingly, it has been discovered that some noncitizens were registered to vote after election workers presumed their voting preferences would align with Democratic candidates.

The ease with which noncitizens can infiltrate the voting process has been facilitated by states granting driver's licenses to both legal and illegal immigrants, coupled with insufficient verification protocols that bypass citizenship requirements.

This situation demands urgent attention to ensure that American democracy remains safeguarded against unfair advantages that undermine the rights of lawful voters.

As the concern deepens, it is imperative for citizens to advocate for robust measures that guarantee ballot integrity and uphold the fundamental principle that democracy is only strengthened by the participation of citizen voters.

Without action, the integrity of future elections hangs in the balance, threatening to distort the voice of the American populace.


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