Media's Flawed Campaign to Sell Kamala Harris Frontrunner

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 37 days ago

The media's biased agenda to prop up Kamala Harris as the Democratic frontrunner is becoming increasingly apparent.

In a recent profile, Time magazine has launched an all-out, glowing campaign to reintroduce Harris to the American public, drawing eerie parallels to the media's earlier treatment of Barack Obama.

Described as a royal figure in a “gorgeous” cover photo, Harris's royal image is more about rebranding than reintroducing.

It’s alarming that even in a supposedly friendly media environment, she remains unwilling to face tough questions.

The glaring question remains: How can Harris assume a serious role in the presidency when she has not taken the time to engage in meaningful dialogue with the media or the public?

Harris was appointed by Joe Biden, not elected by the people.

Her lack of accountability is particularly concerning, especially when The Biden-Harris administration's policies have driven inflation to levels that have families struggling to make ends meet.

An emotional outcry from a Philadelphia mother captures the suffering caused by these policies, highlighting the difficulty many face in choosing between daily necessities and basic education supplies for their children.

Despite Harris's ties to the Inflation Reduction Act and other measures purportedly aimed at easing the economic burden, many Americans see her elevated status as part of a media-driven fairy tale.

The disconnection between Harris's polished image and the harsh realities faced by the American populace begs the question: How effective can she be if she chooses royal detachment over genuine concern?

Her actions as vice president, particularly during contentious times like those of the past several years, cast doubt on her fitness for office.

Can voters trust a candidate who seemingly prioritizes media adulation over transparent dialogue with constituents?

Meanwhile, while Trump continues to address pressing problems head-on, the media attempts to drown out his voice with disinformation and confusion.

The stark differences in coverage highlight a troubling pattern of manipulation, aiming to shape public opinion rather than inform it.

As the 2024 election looms, it is crucial for voters to see through the smoke and mirrors presented by the mainstream media.

Vigilance and discernment are essential as we navigate this politically charged landscape.


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