Walz's Pandemic Policies Devastate Minnesota Small Businesses

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 38 days ago

**Destruction**: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to draw the ire of small business owners across the state.

Recent remarks from Lisa Zarza, the owner of Alibi Drinkery and several other establishments, have shed light on the devastating impact of Walz's stringent measures during the pandemic.

Zarza described the orders that forced her to close her businesses as "evil," stating they effectively "decimated" her livelihood.

Initially, she complied with the state-mandated health measures, wearing her mask, social distancing, and staying home.

However, frustrations mounted as Walz's administration delayed allowing bars and restaurants to reopen for in-person dining until May 2021.

In October 2020, alongside several other defiant business owners, Zarza chose to reopen her establishments despite the risks.

Her decision stemmed from a feeling of being stripped of her rights and being unfairly targeted compared to large corporations that remained open.

Zarza pointed out the stark double-standard in the state’s approach: while her bar was shuttered, chains like Target, Walmart, and Home Depot operated without interruption.

The backlash from Walz's administration was swift and punishing.

Zarza faced threats of crippling fines and even the revocation of her liquor license, leading to significant financial turmoil.

She recounted that her legal battle against the state ultimately resulted in over $300,000 in costs, culminating in personal bankruptcy.

The news of Kamala Harris selecting Walz as her running mate left Zarza visibly upset.

"I was literally sick to my stomach," she expressed.

Zarza further emphasized that Harris had made a significant mistake by choosing Walz, whom she characterized as an "evil man."

She lamented the destruction he had wrought on small businesses across Minnesota, making it clear: "We don’t want him running our country."

Walz’s actions during the pandemic have not only raised questions about his leadership but also fueled dissatisfaction among those who believe in the American entrepreneurial spirit.

With the 2024 election approaching, the accountability of leaders like Walz will likely become a focal point for voters who prioritize the rights of small business owners.


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