Delta's Woke Language Shift Ignites Customer Backlash

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 38 days ago

**Inclusion Overreach: Delta Air Lines’ Shift to 'Woke' Language Sparks Backlash**

In an era where corporate America is increasingly embracing progressive social agendas, Delta Air Lines has taken its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to unprecedented levels—prompting a heated debate about the implications for customer experience and workplace culture.

Recently, Delta's Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Impact Officer, Kyra Lynn Johnson, announced the airline's decision to abandon the traditional greeting of “ladies and gentlemen” in favor of more “inclusive” language. This shift, part of a broader initiative aiming to create a more equitable environment, raises troubling questions about the future direction of corporate policies in America.

During a panel discussion in early 2021, Johnson expressed Delta's intention to thoroughly “reimagine” its language to reflect the airline's diverse customer base. She encouraged employees to avoid terms that may imply a gender binary, advocating for gender-neutral language instead. This initiative aligns with Johnson's assertion that the company is striving to be “antiracist,” drawing inspiration from figures like Ibram X. Kendi.

Delta’s DEI efforts are not merely symbolic; they extend to company policies and hiring practices. Johnson noted that the airline is implementing measures to track and measure diversity representation rigorously, establishing what she referred to as “metrics” for success. While these measures are presented as a means of fostering inclusivity, many employees have reportedly struggled to adjust to these new expectations, with some feeling uncomfortable participating in these conversations.

Moreover, the airline has committed to evaluating its political action committee (PAC) donations and legislative support to ensure alignment with DEI initiatives, further intertwining corporate strategies with political agendas.

Critics argue that such initiatives can alienate customers and diminish the quality of service. Delta’s decision to eschew traditional, universally understood greetings could lead to confusion or discomfort among passengers who appreciate clear and respectful communication. By prioritizing politically correct language over straightforward interaction, Delta risks diluting its brand identity and customer loyalty.

As companies like Delta pursue these bold DEI initiatives, the growing pushback from employees and customers alike raises important questions. Are these measures truly promoting inclusivity, or are they evidence of a misguided corporate culture that prioritizes political correctness over practicality and tradition?

With the 2024 election approaching, the Republican party will resonate with a significant portion of the population that values common-sense communication and a return to basic social norms. There has never been a more crucial time for stakeholders to consider whether businesses should remain neutral forums focused primarily on serving their customers, free from divisive political agendas.


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