Telehealth Abortions Surge Amid Ongoing Pro-Life Battle

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 40 days ago

**Surge in Abortions Highlights Ongoing Battle for Life in America**

A troubling report reveals that despite new restrictions on abortion imposed in numerous states, the average number of monthly abortions in the United States continues to rise.

This alarming uptick marks a nearly 14 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

The #WeCount initiative, established to gauge the consequences of the U.S. Supreme Court's pivotal Dobbs decision, finds that as many as 100,000 abortions were performed in January alone, a grim first since the project began.

The report attributes this increase largely to the rise in telehealth abortions, which skyrocketed by 28 percent year over year, accounting for 20 percent of all abortions.

In-person abortions have seen a slight decrease of 1 percent.

Dr. Ushma Upadhyay, co-chair of the #WeCount project, stated that telehealth options provide essential support for those seeking abortions amidst increasing state restrictions.

However, it’s crucial to recognize states that have enacted strict bans, such as Texas, Alabama, and Louisiana, which have experienced a decline in overall abortion numbers since the Dobbs ruling.

Pro-life advocates, including Kristi Hamrick of Students for Life of America, express skepticism about the data provided by #WeCount, suggesting that the figures may be inflated by pro-abortion advocacy.

Hamrick pointed out that states like Minnesota have rolled back laws that once protected infants who survive abortions, illustrating a concerning trend toward less transparency regarding abortion practices.

Supporters of life argue that the focus should not solely be on reported numbers, but rather on the tangible measures needed to safeguard human life at all stages.

Kristi Hamrick’s remarks underline a critical sentiment: the need for laws that uphold the sanctity of life, countering the growing normalization of abortion narratives.

This ongoing trend contradicts the intent of recent legal restrictions, highlighting the urgent need for continued advocacy and action to promote the pro-life cause across America.

As the battle for life intensifies, engaging the public in meaningful dialogue becomes more crucial than ever.

The future of life in America hinges on the resolve of advocates and lawmakers dedicated to protecting the unborn.


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