Kamala Harris Endorses Venezuela's Election Fraud Tactics

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 50 days ago

In a stunning display of political theater, Vice President Kamala Harris has found herself embroiled in controversy as she tacitly endorses questionable election practices in Venezuela.

Her response to the recent Venezuelan election results, which claimed an impossible 109% voter turnout, raises serious concerns about the validity of democratic processes—both abroad and at home.

During the election, widely regarded as fraudulent, Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro emerged victorious while international observers, including U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, voiced skepticism about the legitimacy of the results. Blinken highlighted the alarming discrepancy, stating, “We have serious concerns that the results announced do not reflect the will, or the votes, of the Venezuelan people.”

Yet, how does this imply an impending threat for the United States as we move closer to the pivotal 2024 elections? Harris’s comments suggest she might be preparing us for a similar manipulation of votes by her party. The parallels between the Venezuelan sham and the 2020 U.S. elections are troubling—both involve systems that seem to strain credulity with suspiciously high turnout numbers.

Republicans have long argued for election integrity, pushing for measures such as paper ballots and hand counting to ensure transparency. Many conservatives believe the Democrats' reluctance to endorse such practices is indicative of a wider agenda that echoes Venezuela's authoritarian tactics.

In contrast to the regime’s military involvement to stifle dissent during election day, there is growing evidence that Democrats sought to inhibit Republican observers during critical moments of the 2020 vote counting, drawing unsettling comparisons to the behavior of Maduro's government.

As if this weren’t enough, Democrats, including those in swing states like Arizona and Michigan, are diverting attention to the dangers posed by AI deepfakes, leveraging fear to impose additional regulatory controls on free speech. Ironically, their focus on combating “misinformation” serves as a smokescreen, obscuring the pressing issue of their own election integrity, which conservatives contend is already compromised.

The public's willingness to accept Harris's endorsement of Venezuela's flawed election system speaks volumes about the current state of American politics.

With Kamala Harris now defining the Democratic approach, one can't help but feel the 2024 elections could mirror the chaotic nature of leadership seen in Caracas.

Americans are urged to remain vigilant as rising parallels emerge between the Venezuelan elections and the intricacies of U.S. voting processes. The question looms large: as we approach the next electoral showdown, will we witness a repeat of these dubious tactics right here in America?


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