Biden's Aid to Hamas: A National Security Crisis

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 50 days ago

**Outrage: Biden Administration's Aid to Hamas Raises Serious Concerns**

Amid rising tensions following Hamas’s horrendous October 7 attacks, the Biden administration has come under fire for directing nearly one billion dollars in American taxpayer money to Gaza.

Critics argue that this so-called "humanitarian aid" is propping up a recognized terrorist organization that has recently committed unspeakable acts of violence against Israeli civilians, including the brutal murder and kidnapping of innocents.

Recent reports indicate that since the massacre, the U.S. has reportedly allocated close to $896 million to Gaza, a region under the control of Hamas, which is widely acknowledged as a terrorist organization. This alarming figure has raised eyebrows among many Americans who believe these funds should be channeled to regions more in need, such as Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where millions face genuine hunger and suffering.

Documents reveal that the Biden administration has remitted substantial amounts to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a group that has allegedly harbored individuals linked to Hamas’s military activities. Despite Congress's efforts to restrict such funding due to UNRWA's connections to terrorism, the Biden administration has persisted in its financial support.

The timing of these donations comes as the FBI warns that Hamas’s actions could inspire future violence akin to that of ISIS, a stark reminder of the very real threats posed by terror organizations. However, the Biden administration's prioritization of aid to Gaza, above even assistance to countries experiencing severe famine, raises critical questions about the intent behind this policy.

This approach is juxtaposed sharply against the need for a firm stance against terror financing. With Iran, Hamas’s chief backer, actively pursuing nuclear capabilities and vowing to wage war against the U.S. and its allies, Biden's allocation of funds to Gaza could be seen not just as misguided, but as endangering American national security.

Still, the administration maintains that the aid is essential for humanitarian purposes, even as evidence mounts suggesting that much of it could end up funding Hamas infrastructure, including tunnels and weaponry.

As political tensions mount, the American public must consider the implications of foreign aid policies that appear not only ineffective but potentially detrimental to U.S. interests and allies in the region.

With the 2024 elections approaching, these actions will undoubtedly become key discussion points as voters reflect on national security, foreign policy, and accountability. It seems evident that the current administration's approach may lead to increased scrutiny from all sides as America seeks clarity on its role in the Middle East and its support for allies like Israel.


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