NBC's Disturbing Olympics Ceremony Provokes Outrage Over Decency

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 39 days ago

**Outrageous: NBC Under Fire for Obscene Olympics Opening Ceremony**

In a shocking display of disregard for decency, NBC has found itself at the center of a significant controversy following the airing of this year’s Olympics opening ceremony.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), accusing the network of broadcasting "obscene and indecent" content that is both inappropriate and offensive for family viewing.

The opening ceremony featured a disturbing array of performances, including scantily clad drag queens and inappropriate depictions that many argue mock Christianity. The event even included a shocking representation of Leonardo da Vinci's iconic masterpiece, *The Last Supper*, turned into a bizarre tableau featuring an adult male exposing himself amidst children.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued a statement condemning the spectacle, asserting that such blatant immorality is unacceptable on public airwaves. He called for immediate action by the FCC and suggested that the Justice Department should investigate this misuse of a global platform.

The backlash extends beyond mere complaints as multiple Christian organizations, including the French Catholic Church, expressed their dismay over the blatant disrespect shown during the ceremony. They highlighted that the ceremony not only belittled Christian values but also inflicted cultural damage, summoning ridicule instead of unity.

In response to the growing outrage, Paris Olympics spokesperson Anne Descamps attempted to downplay the event's impact, claiming that there was never an intention to insult any religious group. However, the artistic director of the ceremony, Thomas Jolly, made it clear that the event was designed to promote diversity, though many believe it came at the expense of respect and decency.

As the Olympics continue, this incident raises critical questions about the direction of cultural representation in major global events. Will organizers prioritize politically correct narratives over tradition and respect?

It's time for corporate media to remember their responsibility towards viewers and communities, particularly where impressionable youth are concerned. NBC's actions reflect a growing trend where the pursuit of "diversity" overshadows basic respect for religious beliefs and moral standards, further alienating segments of the American populace.

Conservatives are calling for a reevaluation of what is deemed acceptable on public networks, as the values Americans hold dear increasingly clash with a radical agenda pushed by cultural elites. The outrage over this year's opening ceremony is just the beginning of a much-needed dialogue about decency in entertainment.


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