Biden Finally Acknowledges Trump’s Border Wall Necessity

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 51 days ago

**Victory for Rule of Law: Biden Administration to Complete Trump’s Border Wall**

In a surprising turn of events, the Biden Administration has agreed to comply with a court order mandating the completion of President Trump’s border wall project.

This decision comes after relentless pressure from Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who secured the court ruling requiring the use of funds allocated for the completion of the wall during Trump’s presidency.

AG Bailey rightly hailed this as a significant victory for the Constitution and the rule of law.

“For too long, the Biden Administration has ignored its duty to enforce the laws passed by Congress,” Bailey stated.

His comments underscore the struggles that have defined Biden’s tenure regarding border security and public safety.

The inadequacies of Kamala Harris's border policies have come under fire, and this latest decision illustrates a desperate attempt to distance herself from the fallout of her own failed strategies.

While the Biden Administration has historically resisted building barriers to illegal immigration, the court ruling has forced their hand, exposing the failures of their border management.

Bailey’s legal action emphasizes that the funds earmarked for border security must be utilized as Congress intended, revealing the absurdity of the Biden Administration’s previous stance.

The fact that the Biden Administration opted not to appeal the court’s order sends a strong message: even they recognize the political fallout and public discontent stemming from their open-border policies.

As President Trump often stated, a secure border is critical to national security.

The acknowledgment of this reality is a welcome shift, even if it comes belatedly.

By obeying the court order, the current administration has inadvertently validated Trump’s efforts to enhance border security and curb illegal immigration.

The resumption of border wall construction shows that Americans still stand firmly against the chaos of uncontrolled migration and crime perpetrated by lax policies.

Republicans have long voiced concerns over the implications of a porous border, and this ruling reinforces the urgency of prioritizing national security.

This shift also serves as a reminder of the importance of having leaders who prioritize the American people's safety over political agendas.

As this new chapter in border security unfolds, it becomes clear that the Trump Administration's legacy continues to influence the national discourse on immigration and border management.

American citizens deserve secure borders, and with this court ruling, there is hope for progress in addressing the pressing immigration challenges facing our nation.


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