Biden's Border Failure: Chaos and National Security Threats

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 53 days ago


The Biden-Harris administration's handling of the border continues to spiral into chaos, with the latest data revealing an alarming surge in illegal crossings at the northern border.

In a shocking revelation, U.S. Border Patrol agents have apprehended more illegal aliens in less than ten months than during the previous thirteen years combined.

Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia reported that his team has nabbed over 15,000 individuals, highlighting a disturbing trend exacerbated by the current administration's misguided policies.

Garcia's assertion is underscored by the staggering statistic that since Biden and Harris took office, the sector has witnessed more than 23,000 apprehensions of migrants through June, a year characterized by record-breaking numbers.

Many of these apprehended migrants hail from countries with known connections to terrorism, raising significant national security concerns.

Reports indicate that in just the current fiscal year, Border Patrol agents have arrested nearly 14,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions, revealing the potential dangers flooding into America.

As migrant encounters continue to rise, many Americans are questioning the effectiveness of President Biden's border policies, which critics argue have only invited chaos and crime into communities.

The current administration has been repeatedly criticized for neglecting border security, leading to an upswing in crime, terrorism-related apprehensions, and an overall sense of unease among American citizens.

In light of these developments, it is clear that the Biden-Harris administration is increasingly out of touch with the needs and concerns of Americans.

As the upcoming election looms, voters are urged to reflect on the implications of continued Democratic leadership versus the promises of stronger border security and improved national safety that the Republican Party, led by Donald Trump, advocates.

The stakes have never been higher.


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