COVID Vaccine Data Reveals Concerning Increase in Deaths

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 42 days ago

**Explosion of Concern: Alarming Data Links COVID Vaccines to Increased Mortality Rates**

Recent revelations from unsealed government data have raised serious questions about the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Findings obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the Czech Republic government indicate a staggering 50% spike in all-cause mortality rates among individuals who received the Moderna shots.

This data, analyzed by noted MIT computer scientist Steve Kirsch, serves as a wake-up call about the implications of mandatory vaccination policies.

Kirsch's thorough analysis highlights that, while vaccines are supposed to prevent serious illness and mortality, the data suggests the opposite.

The startling statistics demonstrate that the risk of death substantially increased for those receiving the Moderna vaccine compared to the Pfizer counterpart.

For example, among individuals aged 46 to 69 who received two doses of Moderna, the risk of death was over 50% higher within one year compared to those who received Pfizer.

The trend was even more alarming for younger age groups, with individuals aged 20 to 29 doubling their risk of all-cause mortality after receiving the Moderna vaccine.

“This should never happen,” Kirsch stated, noting that vaccines are meant to lower mortality rates, not increase them.

Echoing these concerns, previous findings from studies have also identified a troubling connection between COVID vaccinations and a rise in deaths globally, indicating that 73.9% of fatalities could be linked to the mRNA shots.

Such revelations beg the question: Why have these data points remained largely unaddressed by public health authorities?

As Americans strive for transparency regarding the safety of vaccines, the implications of this data cannot be ignored.

The Biden administration's insistence on vaccinations and booster doses, alongside mandates for employment, puts countless lives at risk in light of this emerging evidence.

Moreover, as the 2024 election campaign heats up, former President Donald Trump has made it clear that questioning vaccine safety is essential for the future health of American citizens.

The pandemic response and ensuing mandates under the previous administration have already sparked widespread debate, and this new data may further galvanize a movement demanding accountability and reevaluation of health policies.

It becomes increasingly apparent that a cautious approach to vaccinations is warranted.

The American public deserves full disclosure and an honest assessment of the data surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations, especially as the call for mandatory vaccinations continues to echo in political discussions.

In an era of division and skepticism, one thing must be clear: the health and safety of the American people should always come before political expediency.

The time has come to prioritize transparency and safety over unfounded assurances of efficacy.

As the investigation into the ramifications of these vaccines unfolds, one can only hope for a resolution that prioritizes the well-being of all citizens.


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