Kamala Harris: Disappointing Record Threatens Presidential Ambitions

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 54 days ago

Incredibly, Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be on a fast track to secure the Democratic presidential nomination, despite a dismal track record that would give pause to even the most ardent party loyalists.

Recent comments from Brandon Judd, the recently retired president of the National Border Patrol Council, convey a frustrated and stark assessment of Harris' performance during her tenure as the so-called "border czar." He described her efforts as “very disappointing,” emphasizing that her inaction on crucial policies directly contributed to the significant increase in illegal border crossings, reaching all-time highs over the past three years.

Judd argues that Harris was given the necessary strategies to implement change but did nothing to address the pressing issues that lead to the surge in illegal immigration. "We gave her the policies that she needed to implement," he recounted, adding, "She refused to implement those." Instead, illegal immigration has continued to escalate under her watch, with the numbers of apprehensions hitting record peaks.

It's worth noting that while cross-border apprehensions from certain Central American countries have decreased, this does not equate to actual declines in illegal immigration overall. Judd's insights suggest that while some numbers may appear favorable, they could be misleading, possibly indicating a shift in the nationalities of those attempting to enter the U.S.

Harris was charged with addressing what the Biden administration termed the "root causes" of migration. Despite this responsibility, she has largely been absent from the situations she was tasked to ameliorate, failing to visit the border or the countries involved since January 2022. Additionally, despite a $4 billion investment strategy aimed at Central America, her accomplishments remain unquantified and critics are quick to question their efficacy.

The mounting criticism paints a concerning picture of what her presidency could entail. If her handling of immigration is any indication, a Harris administration could exacerbate problems at the southern border and further undermine the rule of law.

As she edges closer to the formal nomination, many are left wondering if her supporters truly grasp the implications of her record. The policies she champions, or fails to champion, significantly influence the landscape not just at the border, but also across the nation in terms of security, economic stability, and the integrity of America’s immigration system.

Harris' tenure as vice president and her ambitions for the presidency bear the weight of scrutiny that may soon become a challenge for her campaign, particularly as Republicans prepare for a historic showdown with their own candidate, former President Donald Trump.

The American public deserves a leader who acts decisively in the face of national challenges, not one who merely circulates empty rhetoric while failing to deliver tangible results. As the elections draw nearer, it becomes increasingly clear that America’s future hinges on the ability to restore accountability and effective governance to the highest office in the land.


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