Illegal Aliens Involved in Disturbing Child Sex Crimes

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 54 days ago

**Scandalous Epidemic: Illegal Aliens Connected to Child Sex Crimes in Baltimore**

A shocking investigation has unveiled a disturbing trend in Baltimore County, Maryland, where nearly 10% of those charged with child sex crimes are illegal immigrants from Central America.

This revelation, brought to light by Fox45, raises alarming questions about the impact of lax immigration policies in Democrat-run regions.

According to public records, Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger's office filed 99 child sex crime cases between January 2023 and May 2024, with nine of those defendants being illegal aliens.

This statistic is not just an isolated incident but highlights a larger issue within the criminal justice system and immigration enforcement.

The scrutiny intensifies when examining the leniency exhibited by some judges in these cases.

Notably, one judge allegedly sentenced a multiple-time deportee to just five years probation for serious sex crime charges.

In another case, a defendant found guilty of raping a minor had his sentence dramatically reduced from 25 years to only 18 months.

These vastly different outcomes raise critical concerns about whether the scales of justice are being tipped in favor of illegal immigrants, while U.S. citizens convicted of similar crimes face considerably harsher sentences.

Baltimore County's racial and immigration policies seem to have created a troubling disparity in the judicial process.

Judges in similar cases involving African-American defendants delivered sentences well over four years, illuminating the unequal treatment under the law.

This troubling trend reinforces the need for a more stringent approach to both immigration and crime in America.

While Democrats continue to champion sanctuary policies, it is the citizens who suffer the consequences.

As public safety hangs in the balance, one must question the priorities of our judicial system and the ongoing failure to uphold the rule of law.

This situation demands immediate attention, as communities across America grapple with the broader implications of unchecked immigration and ultimate accountability.

It's time to restore order and prioritize the safety of our children and families.


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