Harris’ Fracking Flip-Flop: Deception for Energy Voters

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 54 days ago

**Deception at Its Core: Kamala Harris' Fracking Flip-Flop Exposed**

Vice President Kamala Harris has been caught in a stark contradiction regarding her stance on fracking, a crucial topic for many voters concerned about energy and economic stability.

Her campaign recently claimed she would not ban fracking if elected president, despite her outspoken commitment to eliminate it during her 2020 campaign.

At a rally in North Carolina, former President Donald Trump reminded supporters of Harris' radical intentions, stating unequivocally, “She wants no fracking. You’re going to be paying a lot of money. You’re going to say ‘bring back Trump.’”

Trump's assertion is grounded in Harris' own record. In 2019, she explicitly stated during a CNN town hall, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Her commitment to this controversial policy has not been a secret, as she labeled climate change “the single greatest threat” to society and championed the extreme Green New Deal.

As the Biden administration struggles with economic challenges, including rising gas prices, the implications of Harris’ stance on fracking are significant. The state of Pennsylvania, home to thousands of active oil and gas wells, has already seen the impact of such policies. Economic insecurity could be exacerbated if fracking is banned, leading to higher costs for families and small businesses.

This past week, GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick released a blistering ad that tied Harris to other progressive policies, further cementing her position as the Democratic Party's potential nominee. The ad highlights her push to eliminate the filibuster, decriminalize illegal immigration, and her radical proposals on gun control and diet, all while showcasing her past endorsements from long-time Democrat Senator Bob Casey.

The ad's impact is palpable, having garnered millions of views and sparking discussions on the effects of extreme leftist policies. Social media was abuzz with reactions from frustrated viewers, noting that Harris’ positions are far from what middle America wants.

With growing discontent among voters and rising calls to #CancelNetflix in response to co-founder Reed Hastings’ $7 million donation to support Harris, it's evident that her campaign is facing significant hurdles.

As the election approaches, voters are urged to scrutinize the promises made by the Biden-Harris administration and to consider the economic ramifications of their radical policies. The choice before Americans is clear: a return to the energy independence and economic growth fostered by the Trump administration or the high costs and uncertainties associated with Harris’ meteoric rise in the Democratic Party.


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