Media Distortions Attack Trump on Harris Crime Claims

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 43 days ago

**Deceptive Media Claims Undermine Trump's Credibility in Crime Debate**

In a recent statement at a North Carolina rally, former President Donald Trump ignited controversy by declaring that Vice President Kamala Harris has played a role in supporting violent criminals through her past connections with the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

Trump referenced specific cases, asserting that individuals bailed out by Harris's advocated fund have let loose dangerous offenders back into society.

He highlighted the case of Shawn Michael Tillman, a repeat offender who went on to commit murder shortly after being released with the help of the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

Trump stated emphatically, “One of the dangerous criminals Kamala helped bail out of jail was Shawn Michael Tillman... He then went on to murder a man on a train platform in St. Paul, Minnesota, shooting him in cold blood six times.”

The controversy picked up steam when a CBS News affiliate accused Trump of misleading the public about Harris's actual involvement with the fund.

WCCO asserted that while Harris promoted the fund, she did not personally donate to it. However, this criticism overlooks her direct calls for public donations during a time when the fund was being used to bail out rioters and, indeed, violent offenders.

Critics of the CBS report quickly pointed out that their portrayal dismisses Harris's promotion of the fund, which was linked to aiding individuals engaged in the chaos following George Floyd's death.

In fact, the Minnesota Freedom Fund has faced significant backlash for its financial decisions, specifically when it comes to bailing out individuals charged with serious crimes, including violent felonies.

The backlash continued to grow, as a Community Note was slapped onto WCCO's misleading post, reiterating that Harris had indeed promoted the fund.

Moreover, Trump's warnings went beyond crime in Minnesota; at a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he suggested that a potential Harris presidency could escalate into a geopolitical crisis, with dire consequences for the Middle East.

Trump's critique of Harris is underscored by many conservative voices concerned about the implications of her policies and rhetoric on safety and international relations.

As the 2024 election approaches, the narrative surrounding Harris and her ties to the Minnesota Freedom Fund may become a central theme in the ongoing debate about crime and public safety under Democratic leadership.

For many conservatives, Trump's persistent highlighting of these issues serves as a rallying cry to emphasize the consequences of the Democrats’ soft-on-crime stance and the dangers posed by their policies on the American public's safety.


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