Biden's Betrayal: Funding Terrorism While Ignoring Israel

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 85 days ago

**Betrayed: Biden Administration Undermines Israel While Fundraising for Terrorism**

In a disturbing display of misplaced priorities, the Biden administration has once again turned its back on America’s staunch ally, Israel, while providing substantial financial aid to Palestinian groups, including Hamas.

This week, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Washington, the White House chose to announce a new $100 million aid package for the Palestinian Authority—this despite Hamas's recent, horrifying terrorist attacks that claimed over 1,200 Israeli lives on October 7.

The timing of this aid package raises eyebrows, especially considering that it coincides with Netanyahu's efforts to secure U.S. support for Israel's military operations against Hamas, which continues to terrorize innocent citizens. Not only has the Biden administration's delivery of arms to Israel become sporadic, but it simultaneously escalates its financial support to the very organization that aims to destroy it.

It's essential to understand that this aid isn't reaching the people who need it most—instead, much of it is likely falling into the hands of Hamas, which controls the distribution networks in Gaza. The lessons learned from the humanitarian crises in the region seem to have been completely ignored by Biden and his team, as they continue funneling taxpayer dollars into a system riddled with corruption and violence.

As Israel grapples with the fallout of these attacks and the horrifying hostage situations, anxiety grows over the American administration’s lack of clear support. Instead of backing Israel in its fight for survival, Biden’s policies appear more aligned with appeasing terrorists than strengthening alliances.

This contradictory stance exemplifies the Biden administration’s broader failure to manage foreign policy, especially in relation to Iran, which has been quietly advancing its nuclear capabilities. By neglecting to support Israel adequately while simultaneously funding its foes, the Biden administration may be endangering not only the stability of Israel but also the security of the entire Middle East.

Moreover, the administration's recent failures have prompted questions about the future of U.S.-Israel relations. With more Democrats openly criticizing Israel, it becomes increasingly clear that the radical left's influence is growing within the party. This shift represents a significant departure from the longstanding bipartisan consensus that has historically prioritized support for Israel.

As Netanyahu seeks to address Congress—a platform where he has received considerable support in the past—he finds himself facing an uphill battle against a backdrop of rising tensions and mistrust fostered by the current administration.

While the Biden administration opts for a dangerous path, the contrasting approach of former President Trump, who was widely supported by Israeli leaders, appears even more relevant. Trump’s decisive actions—such as moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and promoting the Abraham Accords—have solidified an enduring partnership with Israel that is now under threat.

To ensure both nations navigate this tumultuous landscape safely, it's crucial for Congressional leaders to recommit to policies that foster peace and security in the region, rather than allowing the cycle of aid to continue funding terrorism. If history has shown us anything, it is that America's support for Israel is not just a political statement but a moral imperative.


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