Biden's Big Tech Collusion: COVID Narratives Exposed

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 45 days ago

The revelation of collusion between the Biden administration and Big Tech regarding COVID-19 narratives has sent shockwaves across the political landscape.

Newly unveiled emails from America First Legal (AFL), a conservative nonprofit organization, highlight alarming communications between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Facebook that took place in May 2021.

These documents detail the government's efforts to control the narrative surrounding COVID-19 vaccines in ways that raise serious questions about transparency and accountability.

The emails feature CDC spokesperson Carol Crawford, who was also involved with Twitter’s Partner Support Portal—a program enabling government officials to flag content for censorship.

In an apparent attempt to manipulate public perception, the CDC provided specific guidance to Facebook, dictating how side effects of the vaccine should be described.

Terms such as "joint pain" were removed from the FAQ, while alternative descriptions like "nausea" were added, showcasing a troubling pattern of censorship centered around the government's preferred messaging.

Moreover, the original language in Facebook’s vaccine safety FAQ, which stated that "more serious side effects are extremely rare" and that contracting COVID-19 posed a greater risk than the vaccine itself, vanished altogether.

This raises essential questions about the integrity of the CDC's assertions. Despite urging Americans to get vaccinated, they could not confirm the vaccine’s safety compared to natural immunity derived from infection.

It appears that the Biden administration prioritized maintaining a favorable narrative over providing accurate information to the public, all while aligning closely with Big Tech to shape perceptions and stamp out dissenting viewpoints.

While President Biden continues to promote his administration's COVID-19 strategy, these revelations suggest a troubling alliance between government agencies and powerful social media platforms aimed at controlling public discourse at the risk of free speech.

As more information comes to light, many Americans are left questioning the integrity of their leaders and the narratives they've been presented during one of the most challenging periods in recent history.

This issue calls for a thorough investigation and accountability to ensure that such collusion does not undermine the fundamental rights of citizens.


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