Democratic Senator Menendez Resigns After Bribery Conviction

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 45 days ago

Bob Menendez, a long-standing Democratic Senator from New Jersey, has announced his resignation following a conviction on bribery charges. Menendez, who has been a prominent figure in the Senate since his appointment in 2006, was found guilty of accepting bribes from foreign governments, including gold bars and cash. The former head of the Senate foreign relations committee now faces a lengthy prison term when he is sentenced on October 29th.

Menendez's resignation comes after a nine-trial this year ended in a guilty verdict, following a previous mistrial in 2017. The conviction has led to calls for his resignation from both sides of the political aisle, including from Democratic Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer. In his resignation letter to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Menendez maintained his innocence, stating that he "never violated [his] public oath."

The resignation of Menendez is a significant blow to the Democratic Party, which is currently focused on maintaining control of the Senate and the White House. Menendez's resignation also raises questions about the integrity of the Senate and the conduct of its members.

In other news, Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to secure the Democratic Party's nomination for the 2024 presidential race. As she prepares to select a running mate, several names have been floated as potential candidates. Among the top contenders are Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly. Both men come from key battleground states and have experience battling Trump-endorsed candidates.

However, Harris's selection of a running mate is not without controversy. In 2015, as California's attorney general, Harris sponsored the FACT Act, which required pregnancy care centers to post advertisements for free or low-cost abortion facilities in their waiting rooms. The legislation was widely criticized for its pro-abortion stance and was ultimately struck down by the Supreme Court.

Furthermore, Harris used her clout as attorney general to prosecute whistleblower David Daleiden in 2016. Daleiden had secretly filmed Planned Parenthood employees over the course of 30 months, exposing the organization's lucrative trade in organs and body tissues obtained from aborted children. Harris ordered California Department of Justice agents to raid Daleiden's home and seize evidence at the behest of Planned Parenthood heavyweights.

The selection of a running mate is a crucial decision for any presidential candidate, and Harris's choice will undoubtedly be scrutinized by both sides of the political aisle. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen how Harris's pro-abortion stance and her controversial prosecution of Daleiden will impact her campaign.

In conclusion, the resignation of Bob Menendez and the selection of a running mate by Kamala Harris are two significant developments in the world of politics. Menendez's resignation raises questions about the integrity of the Senate and the conduct of its members, while Harris's selection of a running mate will undoubtedly be scrutinized by both sides of the political aisle. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen how these developments will impact the political landscape.


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