Biden Bows Out: No Re-election Bid Amid Red Sea Defeat

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 46 days ago

President Joe Biden has announced that he will not be seeking re-election in 2024. In a speech scheduled for Wednesday evening, Biden is expected to address the nation from the Oval Office on his decision and what lies ahead for the remainder of his term. This will be the second time this month that Biden has addressed the nation from the Oval Office, following his speech on July 14 regarding the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

Biden's decision not to run for a second term is a significant departure from recent presidential history. He is the first president in more than a generation to make such a decision, with the last being President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968. Johnson's decision came at the end of a speech about his plans to limit US military operations in Vietnam, and Biden's announcement is expected to inspire similar parallels.

Despite his decision not to seek re-election, Biden has vowed to remain "fully engaged" in the campaign and in seeing out the closing six months of his administration. He has stated that he will be "on the road" and that he is determined to get as much done as possible both in foreign and domestic policy.

Meanwhile, concerns have been raised about the state of US military operations in the Red Sea. According to a classified letter from US Central Command commander General Michael Kurilla, these operations are "failing" and that US service members will die if the current course is continued. The letter calls for a stepped-up "whole of government" effort against the Houthis, employing economic, diplomatic, and potentially stronger military pressure to discourage attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb, off Yemen's coast.

The situation in the Red Sea has been described as a "massive US military defeat," with the Israel Air Force having done more to establish dominance over the Houthis in one airstrike than the US has in a year of half-hearted and hamstrung efforts. The failure of US leadership in this area of immense national security interest has led to the formation of a counter-coalition by US allies to avoid being under US command.

The consequences of the Houthi attacks have been widespread, affecting at least 65 countries and 29 different energy and shipping firms. Insurance premiums for Red Sea transits have increased, and alternate shipping routes around Africa have become more expensive. The failure of US hard power to emerge victorious in this situation has led to instability and more warfare, with much of Iran's resurgence and instability in the Middle East being directly attributable to Biden's leadership in closing out the Afghan misadventure.

As Biden prepares to address the nation on Wednesday, the question remains as to how he will finish the job for the American people and what his legacy will be. With concerns about the state of US military operations in the Red Sea and the potential for a "massive US military defeat," the stakes are high for the remainder of Biden's term.


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