Donald Trump's 2024 Rival: Kamala Harris Faces BLM Backlash

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 46 days ago

Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election, has faced criticism from Black Lives Matter (BLM) following President Joe Biden's decision not to seek reelection. The unexpected announcement came after Biden's poor performance in the June 27 debate, leading to mounting pressure from fellow Democrats for him to withdraw from the race.

Biden's withdrawal marks the first time since 1968 that a sitting president has chosen not to run for reelection, with Lyndon Johnson being the last to do so following a disappointing showing in the New Hampshire primary. The decision has raised suspicions of a Democratic Party coup, as Biden's endorsement of Harris was made via speakerphone, and the announcement was made on the social media platform X, where it is doubtful that the octogenarian president has ever posted on his own behalf.

Despite the Democratic Party's attempts to portray unity behind Harris, BLM has issued a public objection to her swift coronation as the party's nominee. The organization has called for the Rules Committee to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, rather than a nomination by party delegates alone.

BLM's statement also criticized Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors for attempting to manipulate black voters by anointing Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public. The organization has called out party leaders' apparent coup against Biden and expressed concern over Harris's lack of a clear stance on the issues.

Harris's record as a prosecutor has been a source of controversy, with some critics accusing her of being too heavy-handed in her approach to certain issues. During her time as district attorney of San Francisco, she campaigned against Proposition 21, which would have allowed juveniles to be tried in superior court rather than juvenile court. She also opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage, although she later officiated a same-sex ceremony after San Francisco legalized it in 2004.

As attorney general of California, Harris refused to enforce Proposition 8, which prohibited California from accepting same-sex marriages, and supported penalizing parents with truant schoolchildren. She also won settlements with Big Oil companies, including BP and Chevron. However, her Justice for Victims of Lynching Act, which would have made lynching a federal hate crime, failed to pass the Senate.

Harris's record on immigration has also been a source of controversy. As border czar, she has visited the border only once, despite mounting pressure from Republicans as the immigration crisis has worsened. She has also been critical of Israel amid its war against the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza, despite reiterating that the administration's support for the country is "ironclad" and condemning Iran's attack on the Jewish state in April.

Harris's supporters argue that her record as a prosecutor and attorney general demonstrates her commitment to justice and her ability to take on powerful interests. However, her critics argue that her record as a prosecutor and her lack of a clear stance on the issues make her an unsuitable candidate for the presidency.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it remains to be seen how Harris will fare against her Republican opponents, including former President Donald Trump. However, one thing is clear: the Democratic Party's decision to coronate Harris as their nominee has not gone unchallenged, and the controversy surrounding her record as a prosecutor and attorney general is likely to continue.


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