Kamala Harris' Abortion Extremism: A Liability for Democrats

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 86 days ago

Kamala Harris Secures Enough Delegates to be Confirmed as Nominee at Democratic Convention, but Her History of Abortion Extremism Raises Concerns

Vice President Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be confirmed as the Democratic nominee for president at the party's convention next month, according to the Associated Press survey. However, her history of abortion extremism is raising concerns among conservatives and pro-life advocates.

Harris became the frontrunner after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid and urged his supporters to unite around his vice president instead. She has also been endorsed by key Democratic figures such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

However, Harris's record on abortion is a cause for concern. She has a long history of supporting abortion rights, including late-term abortions, and has been a vocal critic of pro-life policies. As California's attorney general, she targeted a pro-life journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood for trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. She also pushed for and celebrated her state's illegal and unconstitutional FACT Act, which forced crisis pregnancy centers to tell their clients about how to get abortions.

As a senator, Harris sponsored, introduced, and voted for multiple bills that stripped protections for unborn babies and pro-lifers. She co-sponsored the original version of the "Women's Health Protection Act," which aimed to codify abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. She also voted against protections for babies born alive after botched abortions.

Harris's record on abortion is out of step with the views of most Americans. A recent Marist poll found that 70% of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, and 55% oppose abortion in all or most cases. Harris's support for late-term abortions and her attacks on pro-life policies are likely to be a liability in the general election.

In contrast, Republicans have a strong record of supporting pro-life policies. President Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate for the pro-life cause, and he has taken numerous actions to protect the unborn. He has appointed pro-life judges to the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, and he has taken executive action to protect the conscience rights of pro-life medical professionals.

The Republican Party has also been a strong supporter of crisis pregnancy centers, which provide alternatives to abortion and support for pregnant women. These centers have been under attack from pro-abortion activists and politicians, including Harris.

In conclusion, while Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be confirmed as the Democratic nominee for president, her history of abortion extremism is a cause for concern. Republicans, on the other hand, have a strong record of supporting pro-life policies and protecting the unborn. As the general election approaches, it is important for voters to consider the candidates' records on this important issue.


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