Restoring Childhood: New Guidebook Empowers Parents Against Transgender Trend

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 57 days ago

A new guidebook has been released to help parents protect their children from the transgender trend.

The guidebook, titled "Restore Childhood," was released by a nonprofit group of the same name. The group argues that childhood transition is not a political issue, but rather a matter of protecting children from government overreach in both health and education.

The guidebook is designed to empower parents with resources and information so that they don't feel pressured to "affirm" their child's chosen gender identity. It addresses common lies and misconceptions about gender transition, such as the idea that children will commit suicide if they are not allowed to transition.

The guidebook also touches on the issue of parental rights, which has become a hot-button issue in recent years. According to the group, the US Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is often misrepresented by activists as legislation that enables students to hide information from their parents. In reality, says the group, FERPA was meant "for parents to protect their kids' privacy."

The guidebook comes at a time when America's mental health and medical industries are increasingly pushing for gender transition procedures for children. Parents who question this narrative are often met with hostility and even legal action.

The guidebook's creators hope that it will help parents make better choices for their children. "We believe that all children are deserving of safe learning environments and that gender nonconformity, which is completely natural and found across cultures, must be respected," said the group.

In a time when the left-leaning mainstream media is so quick to attack anyone who questions the transgender narrative, it is refreshing to see a group like Restore Childhood standing up for parents and children. This guidebook is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to protect their children from the harmful effects of the transgender trend.


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