MAGA Influencer Reveals Footage of Trump Assassination Attempt

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 89 days ago

In an exclusive interview with RedState, MAGA influencer Brick Suit revealed why he decided to release his own videos from the recent attempted assassination of President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Brick Suit, who was a front-row witness to the July 13 incident, told RedState that he knew he had footage of the event but hadn't looked at it since he shot it. He also admitted that he always knew there could be an attempt to take down the president.

"At some point, you realize this is always a possibility. I didn't think I would witness it," he said. "It just turned the page to that chapter where it's an actuality. I know that the political forces that are arrayed against President Trump are widespread, varied, and some of them are unconventional and would do just about anything to avoid him becoming president again."

Brick Suit, who wears a suit and tie with a brick wall pattern, said he put the footage aside until he saw that someone posted a video of Trump arriving at the hospital emergency room. He then felt that it would be OK to share with people what he had.

"I didn't want to go back and look at that yet," said the veteran of roughly 40 Trump rallies. "I saw a clip that was taken by someone in a hospital emergency room as the president's motorcade rolled up."

The influencer, who Trump often namechecks at rallies and calls on stage, said the anguished voice heard at the hospital echoed what people were feeling at the rally.

"You could hear the concern in people's voices when somebody had been told he'd been shot in the head, and they weren't knowing what to expect and the relief when they saw him walking," he said. "After I saw that clip, I figured to myself, OK, if I can handle that, I can look at my footage and see what I actually have on my camera."

Brick Suit, who traveled to the convention from his California home, was not sure what his video added to his understanding of what happened, but it was better to have more information out there.

"I don't think it reveals anything, any details that haven't been seen," he said. "It's not particularly newsworthy because there are other cameras that covered the same material, but my vantage point is unique and then I was so close, it may be worth posting for that."

When media outlets asked him for permission to use the video, he declined, and at one point, he X-posted: "Dear news services offering me money for this video, Kindly p*ss off."

Brick Suit said he is also struggling to understand how witnessing an attempt on Trump’s life changed his view of politics.

"I don't think politics were never a game for me to begin with, although it may seem that I'm sort of comical about it—you can't judge this brick by its cover."

This story highlights the ongoing threats and challenges faced by President Trump and his supporters. Despite the attempts to silence and intimidate them, they remain steadfast in their support for the president and his policies.


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