Democrats Trapped in 'Doom Loop' Amid Doubts Over Biden's Future

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 47 days ago

Top Democrats Frustrated by Being Stuck in ‘Doom Loop’ Amid Doubts About Biden’s Future

Top Democrats are reportedly growing increasingly frustrated with the current state of the party, as doubts about President Joe Biden's future continue to mount. According to a recent report from CNN, some officials are debating whether Biden should continue campaigning for reelection or drop out of the race altogether.

The ongoing controversy has created a divisive atmosphere within the party, with one official describing the situation as a "doom loop." The concerns appear to be warranted, given new polling that shows former President Donald Trump increasing his lead over Biden after the recent attempt on his life.

Many individuals within Biden's inner circle are reportedly disheartened, with one aide stating that "there's a growing sense that it's game over." Morale appears to be at an all-time low, with faith in the Biden inner circle being obliterated.

The situation is further compounded by major donors withholding contributions while Biden is still the nominee. According to a recent report, some wealthy Democratic donors are reportedly withholding significant donations to the pro-Biden super PAC, Future Forward, amid uncertainty over the future of the president's candidacy.

The decision to freeze funding to the president's campaign is a response to the ongoing debate occurring among Democrats regarding how to proceed with the presidential election. The frozen contributions include multiple eight-figure commitments, according to the two people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation.

Despite the ongoing turmoil, some within the party are still trying to maintain a sense of optimism. "Here in HQ, we're working really hard because on winning campaigns, you work really hard," said Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for Biden's campaign.

However, the decision to stick with Biden or put forth another candidate will have far-reaching implications for the party. Democrats find themselves at a critical juncture, with some calling for the party to jettison their candidate and others urging them to continue supporting him and hoping for the best.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that many leftists are currently more angry at Biden than they are at Republicans. Large-scale protests were notably absent during the Republican National Convention (RNC) this week, as the left continues to direct its ire at President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Some Milwaukee protesters chalked up the low turnout to anger toward the Democratic Party, particularly aimed towards President Joe Biden for his failure to end the war in Gaza. "Part of it is that it's President Biden who is the one allowing the genocide in Gaza," Andy Thayer told The New York Times. "People are angry at him."

The situation is a far cry from the 2016 RNC, where hundreds rallied in violent and fiery protests that included the burning of an American flag and led to several arrests. At least two people were charged with felonies and multiple police officers were treated for injuries.

The lack of protests at this year's RNC is a clear indication of the growing frustration and anger towards Biden and the Democratic Party. With the election just a few months away, Democrats are facing a critical decision that will have far-reaching implications for the party and the country as a whole.


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