Austin Private Wealth Denies Shorting Trump Stock Pre-Attempt

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 51 days ago

Investment firm Austin Private Wealth LLC denies claims of shorting Trump Media & Technology Group stock before assassination attempt.

Investment firm Austin Private Wealth LLC has denied allegations that it placed a large put option on Trump Media & Technology Group stock the day before the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. The firm asserts that the filing was a "clerical error".

In stock market terms, a put option is essentially a bet that the asset's price will decrease, which would have likely occurred if Trump had been killed. Researcher Josh Walkos highlighted that it appeared as though the firm had "shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option" on July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

A Bloomberg terminal screenshot showed that the contract subsequently disappeared from the record. The company then amended their filing records on July 16th and the put option was removed.

Austin Private Wealth issued a statement yesterday, stating that "The SEC filing which showed that Austin Private Wealth shorted a large number of shares of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) was incorrect and we immediately amended it as soon as we learned of the error."

The firm claimed that "No client of APW holds, or has ever held, a put on DJT in the quantity initially reported. The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares— not 12 million shares, as was filed in error."

In the five days following the failed assassination attempt, shares in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (DJT) have risen by 25 per cent.

This news comes as former President Donald Trump continues to show renewed determination and strength in the face of the recent assassination attempt. Insiders have described Trump's response as "providence" and a sign of his unwavering commitment to his cause.

Meanwhile, popular podcast host Joe Rogan has expressed his disbelief at the recent events, wondering if we are living in a simulation or a dystopian reality akin to the TV show Black Mirror.

As the investigation into the assassination attempt continues, it is clear that the former President's supporters remain steadfast in their support for him and his message.


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