Biden's False Claims: January 6 Gallows Mystery Remains

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 51 days ago

In a recent interview, President Joe Biden made a series of false claims, including the assertion that his administration is the "most successful presidency of any president in modern history." However, what stands out the most are his comments about the events of January 6, 2021.

In his remarks, Biden criticized former President Donald Trump for allegedly encouraging violence and threatening behavior on that day. Biden specifically mentioned the construction of a gallows, which he framed in the passive voice. This is a curious choice of words, as it obscures the fact that the gallows were left untouched by Capitol Police officers from 6 a.m. on January 6 until later that evening.

This raises serious questions about the handling of the situation by law enforcement. Why wasn't the gallows removed once it was discovered? Who was responsible for its construction, and why have they never been identified?

These are questions that deserve answers, especially given the political implications of the events of January 6. The fact that the gallows were allowed to remain in place for so long suggests that there may have been a deliberate effort to create a certain narrative about the day's events.

It's worth noting that Biden has been criticized for his handling of the situation, with some accusing him of using the events of January 6 for political gain. This latest interview is unlikely to change that perception.

In other news, Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has banned a right-wing, pro-Donald J. Trump magazine for allegedly fostering "hatred" of migrants and ethnic diversity. The magazine, Compact, is known for its links to the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and its skepticism of Western involvement in the Ukraine war.

The ban has been met with criticism from some who argue that it infringes on freedom of speech. However, Faeser has defended the decision, saying that the magazine was promoting a dangerous ideology.

The move is part of a broader trend in Germany, where the government has been cracking down on far-right extremism. Earlier this year, Faeser announced that anyone declared a far-right extremist would be banned from owning firearms.

Critics argue that these measures are an overreach and that they could be used to silence legitimate political opposition. However, supporters say that they are necessary to protect the country from the threat of far-right violence.

In any case, the ban on Compact is likely to be controversial and will no doubt be the subject of much debate in the coming days.


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