Czech Data Reveals Moderna Vaccine Increased All-Cause Mortality by Over 50% Compared to Pfizer

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 52 days ago

Record-level data from the Czech Republic has revealed that the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine increased all-cause mortality by over 50% compared to the Pfizer vaccine. This data, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, has been sitting on the internet for nearly four months and was brought to light by a Czech citizen.

The data, which includes official government record-level data on vaccines administered to the entire country, is considered gold-standard data. It shows that the mortality rate of a vaccine for those born within a given calendar year was defined as the number of people who died within a year of the shot divided by the number of people enrolled.

The mortality rate ratio (MRR) was defined as the MR (Moderna)/ MR (Pfizer). If both vaccines were safe and reduced all-cause mortality by similar amounts, the MRR would be approximately 1 for all ages. However, the data shows that Moderna had over a 50% higher all-cause mortality for ages 46-69 than Pfizer.

This data should completely decimate any trust anyone had in the medical community to monitor vaccine safety and protect the public. If after 3.5 years of data collection, the medical community cannot detect a vaccine which increases all-cause mortality by 50% or more, they should admit they are completely incompetent to monitor for vaccine safety.

The medical journals should retract all studies showing the COVID vaccines are safe. They are not. All of these studies are false and misleading.

Pfizer is unsafe too, but that will be covered in a subsequent article.

This data should be a wake-up call for the medical community and regulators to take a hard look at how they failed. In the meantime, they should immediately call for a halt to the mRNA COVID vaccines worldwide, a moratorium of all vaccine mandates for other vaccine types, the end of liability protection for vaccine manufacturers, full data transparency for all vaccines that are approved in the country, and demand compensation for those doctors who have been victimized by the medical boards and state medical licensing authorities for speaking the truth.

Honest political leaders should require that their public health departments immediately disclose their record-level data with the same level of detail as the Czech data. This does not require new legislation. Disclosing this data would immediately reveal the truth and save countless lives.

Thank you to US Senator Ron Johnson, former UK MP Andrew Bridgen, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Bret Weinstein, Dr. Chris Martenson, Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Joe Ladapo, Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Naomi Wolf, Dr. George Fareed, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Meryl Nass, and so many others for having the courage to speak the truth and oppose the false government narratives.

This data is a powerful new tool that should convince anyone with an open mind and scientific background that they have been misled by the authorities and that millions of people have paid the price with their health or their lives.


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