Democrats Desperate: Biden Urged to Step Down Amid Election Panic

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 69 days ago

Joe Biden Faces Pressure to Step Down Amid Democratic Panic

Joe Biden, the sitting president, is facing mounting pressure from within his own party to step down as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming election. With concerns about his age and capacity to serve until he is 86 years old, many Democrats are questioning whether he is up to the job.

Despite having won every single primary contest and accumulating enough delegates to assure his renomination, Biden is refusing to bow to reality. He holds almost absolute power to determine his own destiny and has the backing of his wife, Dr. Jill Biden.

However, as the deadline for filing in many states approaches, it may soon be too late to dump Biden from the ticket. The party will have no choice but to put all their eggs in the congressional basket, hoping against hope they can maintain their tiny advantage in the Senate and flip Republicans’ equally narrow control of the House.

The process of high-profile donors boycotting until Biden is gone from the ticket is well underway, and many are redirecting their support from presidential to congressional races.

Even as Biden digs in his heels, his own party is publicly predicting disaster if he remains in the race. A dozen or so House Democrats have publicly called on him to step aside, and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) broke the silence among Democrats in the upper chamber on Tuesday when he stated on CNN that Trump “is on track to win this election — and maybe win it by a landslide and take with him the Senate and the House.”

Biden's refusal to step down is not only causing panic within his own party, but it is also destroying the moral high ground he was attempting to occupy. By refusing to give up power, he is undermining his own campaign's premise that Trump, not he, is a threat to democracy.

As the election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Biden will continue to cling to power or whether he will bow to pressure from within his own party to step aside. However, one thing is clear: the Democratic Party is in a state of panic, and Biden's refusal to step down is only adding fuel to the fire.


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