Green Groups Exposed: Opposition Research Disguised as Journalism

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 70 days ago

Green Groups Disguise Opposition Research As Journalism

In a concerning development, far-left environmental groups have been caught engaging in a coordinated effort to smear proponents of sustainable livestock as industry bogeymen seduced by corporate greed. This war on meat is being waged through a campaign of misinformation and opposition research disguised as critical journalism.

In October 2022, a coalition of over 1,000 scientists signed a declaration stressing the importance of a meat-based diet in alleviating world hunger. The "Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock" aimed to push back against the highly funded, globally coordinated effort to discredit animal agriculture as antithetical to human health and environmental sustainability.

However, this commonsense declaration has now become the target of well-funded "green" advocacy groups masquerading environmental activism as critical journalism. The Guardian, one of Europe's most influential papers, has become a conduit for far-left environmental interests to air opposition research. The paper shares some of the same funding sources as an animal activist group called "Sentient."

The Open Philanthropy Project, launched in 2014 with a co-founder of Facebook, has become a close ally to the vegan food industry with investments made in Impossible Foods. In 2017, Open Philanthropy awarded, a nonprofit linked to The Guardian, with a nearly $900,000 grant to support journalism on factory farming and farm animal cruelty. The nonprofit was awarded with another $900,000 grant in 2020 to continue reporting on issues related to animal welfare.

Last fall, The Guardian published a supposed exposé on "industry figures behind" the Dublin Declaration. The outlet reported that the declaration was published a year ago but gave no information on its provenance. Its supporters appear to be overwhelmingly researchers in animal, agricultural, and food sciences.

A page on the declaration's website now outlines the potential conflicts of interest with the statement's affiliated authors but makes clear "no financial funding or other material support has been received from any third-party source, whether private or public, to arrange, coordinate, co-author or publish the Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock."

Frédéric Leroy, a lead organizer of the declaration, told The Federalist that "for various reasons of either commercial or ideological profit, coordinated campaigns are disproportionately placing blame on animal agriculture for many of the ills of the global food system."

The elimination of animal emissions requires the extinction of natural species, contrary to alarmists' warnings that livestock capital will pollute the planet into an environmental apocalypse. This is a clear example of how far-left environmental groups are using misinformation and opposition research to push their agenda.

It is important for the public to be aware of these tactics and to demand transparency and accountability from the media. The war on meat is a serious issue that affects not only the livestock industry but also the global food system and human health. It is crucial that the public has access to accurate information and that the media is held accountable for their reporting.


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