Democrats Mull Options as Biden's Cognitive Decline Sparks Concern

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 90 days ago

Concerns Over Biden's Cognitive Decline Intensify as Democrats Consider Options

In the wake of President Joe Biden's recent debate performance and subsequent interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, concerns about his cognitive abilities have reached a fever pitch. A growing number of Democrats are now considering the possibility of replacing Biden as the party's nominee for the upcoming presidential election.

Two videos, one from Daily Mail and another from RNC Research, have recently surfaced, highlighting the stark contrast between Biden's mental acuity in the past and his current state. The Daily Mail video, a time-lapse from the 1970s to the present, shows a dramatic decline in Biden's appearance and cognitive abilities, with experts noting a sharp decline beginning in 2021.

The RNC Research video, comparing Biden's speeches from 2020 and 2024, reveals a significant deterioration in his ability to speak coherently. In the 2020 video, Biden does not slur, forget words, or stare vacantly into space, a stark contrast to his current state.

These videos have added fuel to the fire of concerns about Biden's cognitive decline, with many questioning his ability to lead the most powerful nation on earth. Despite the mounting evidence, the White House and Doktor Jill Biden have been accused of engaging in a monumental coverup regarding Biden's condition.

In response to these concerns, a pair of well-connected Democrats, Rosa Brooks and Ted Dintersmith, have proposed a "blitz primary" process. This would involve Biden stepping down as the Democratic nominee in mid-July and the party announcing a primary sprint. Potential candidates would have a few days to enter the race, followed by a month of positive-only campaigns leading up to the convention.

The nominee would be chosen by the delegates using ranked choice voting before the start of the Chicago convention on Aug. 19. The memo imagines the nominee unveiled on stage with Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton.

While the plan offers a potential way out of the current crisis, it stands little chance of being implemented. It would require Biden, who has been digging in, to voluntarily exit the race within days. It also wouldn't automatically make Kamala Harris the nominee, instead ushering in a broader field, which could exacerbate the party's problems with some key constituencies if she's seen as being passed over.

The memo acknowledges that time is not on the Democrats' side: "Will it happen? Probably not, absent a timely decision by Party leaders, including President Biden, who truly put country first," it states.

As the Democratic Party grapples with this issue, the question remains: will they choose to address Biden's cognitive decline, or will they continue to ignore the elephant in the room? Only time will tell.


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