Nobel Laureates Wrong: Trump's Policies Would Lower Inflation

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 107 days ago

Nobel laureates' predictions on inflation proven wrong, Trump's policies would bring it down.

On June 25, 16 Nobel Prize laureates signed an open letter that held that the election of Trump over Biden would cause inflation to increase. However, their predictions have been proven wrong, as Trump's policies would actually bring down inflation.

Thirteen of these laureates had previously signed a 2021 letter that predicted that Biden’s plan would “ease longer-term inflationary pressures.” However, this ended up contributing to the high inflation rate that has continued throughout Biden’s presidency.

These Nobel laureates share the Democrat party’s commitments to inclusivity and combatting climate change. However, their predictions on inflation have been proven wrong.

During the coming term, Congress and the president will have to bring down the U. S. government’s debt-to-GDP ratio. Conservatives allied with Trump are working on plans to cut government spending by eliminating as many as 50,000 federal jobs to bring down the debt-to-GDP ratio.

Meanwhile, Biden (or his Democrat party replacement) would favor tax increases upon the rich to bring down the debt-to-GDP ratio. However, Trump’s spending cuts would reduce the government portion of demand and thereby reduce inflation.

Trump’s spending decreases would bring down inflation and greatly improve the debt-to-GDP ratio, whereas the tax increases promoted by Biden (or his Democrat party replacement) would increase inflation and do much less to improve the debt-to-GDP ratio.

Additional tax and regulation cuts from Trump would further increase incentives, thereby increasing supply and reducing inflation. Meanwhile, new spending increases from Biden (or his Democrat party replacement) would increase demand and thereby increase inflation.

The 13 partisan Nobel Prize laureates who signed both this letter and the 2021 letter are wrong yet again. Their predictions on inflation have been proven wrong, and Trump’s policies would actually bring it down.


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