Biden Faces Corruption Allegations, Border Crisis Escalates

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 90 days ago

Biden Administration Under Fire for Alleged Corruption and Border Security Failures

The Biden administration is facing mounting criticism over alleged corruption and its handling of border security, as new reports suggest that the President may be selling access and influence to wealthy donors. According to a recent Politico article, White House visits have become a "cash cow" for Biden, with the report detailing how the President hosted donors at the White House and received substantial donations in return.

The report highlights a meeting held shortly before Christmas last year, where four billionaire Democratic donors met with Biden privately to discuss his second-term agenda and answer questions about his campaign and policies. The day after the meeting, tech entrepreneur Mark Pincus donated the maximum allowed amount of $929,600 to Biden's fundraising committee, the Biden Victory Fund. Within three weeks, venture capitalist Reid Hoffman contributed $923,000, while former Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson donated nearly half a million dollars two days before the meeting.

The meetings, which began last summer and continued through the fall and winter, often included four to eight donors and Biden campaign co-chair Jeffrey Katzenberg. Many of the attendees were in the entertainment or tech industries or had previously donated to Democrats. While it is not illegal for Biden to invite donors into the White House, ethics watchdogs have raised concerns about the practice of providing access to individuals with the financial means of writing nearly million-dollar checks.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is also facing criticism for its handling of border security, with some experts suggesting that the President's dismantling of effective border security measures implemented by the Trump administration has led to a surge in illegal migration from China. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, over 37,000 Chinese nationals were detained on the border with Mexico last year, a figure that is 10 times greater than in pre-pandemic years.

The surge in Chinese migration is believed to be linked to a shadowy spot known as the Darién Gap, a remote area in southern Panama that connects the American continents. The region, which has no roads and is largely undeveloped, is now being exploited to funnel Chinese illegals into the U.S. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein, who traveled to the Darién Gap to investigate the situation, suggested that the Chinese government may be behind the operation.

As the 2024 elections approach, these issues are likely to become key election issues, with many Republicans and conservatives expressing concern about the Biden administration's handling of border security and alleged corruption. With the President's approval ratings continuing to decline, it remains to be seen how these issues will impact the election outcome.


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