Wisconsin Supreme Court Sparks Republican Outrage with Drop Box Ruling

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 109 days ago

Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates absentee ballot drop boxes, sparking controversy among Republicans.

In a 4-3 decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has reinstated the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in the swing state, a move that has been met with criticism from Republicans.

The decision, which was written by Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, states that election clerks across Wisconsin can use the ballot drop boxes during the August 13 partisan primaries and the November 5 presidential election.

The ruling overturns a previous decision from the court's conservative majority that held ballot drop boxes were illegal in Wisconsin. In that ruling, conservative justices argued that state law did not permit drop boxes anywhere other than election clerk offices.

However, Democrats challenged the ban on drop boxes, arguing that they were critical for voters who were unable to vote in person due to disability, scheduling conflicts, lack of transportation, or other hardship.

The use of drop boxes became a focal point during the coronavirus pandemic as a way to help voters cast ballots while limiting interaction with other people. Hundreds of absentee drop boxes were installed across Wisconsin in 2020, and more than 40% of all votes cast that year were through absentee ballots.

Republicans have been critical of the use of drop boxes, with some falsely equating them with "anonymous ballot box stuffing." Republican Rep. Tom Tiffany, who represents northwestern Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District, claimed that the allowance of drop boxes opens the door to potentially fraudulent activities, despite a lack of evidence to support those claims.

However, drop boxes have been used widely in Wisconsin, including in conservative areas. In spring 2021, there were about 570 drop boxes in Wisconsin, according to court filings. Out of Wisconsin's 72 counties, at least 66 had drop boxes as of spring 2021.

The decision has been met with criticism from Republicans, with Wisconsin GOP Chairman Brian Schimming calling it "a setback for both the separation of powers and public trust in our elections." He also took aim at "the left-wing justices on the Supreme Court of Wisconsin," claiming that their decision was an attempt to advance their political agenda.

The ruling is likely to have a significant impact on the upcoming elections, as Democrats have encouraged their voters to use drop boxes in the past. However, Republicans have also begun to embrace the use of drop boxes in recent months, despite their previous criticisms.

In May, NBC News reported that the Wisconsin GOP would encourage their voters to use drop boxes in this year's presidential election if the state Supreme Court ruled to reinstate them. The party also plans to deploy volunteers to monitor drop boxes in heavily Democratic areas.

The use of drop boxes has become a contentious issue in recent years, with some Republicans falsely claiming that they are a source of widespread voter fraud. However, there is no evidence to support those claims.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court's decision to reinstate the use of drop boxes is likely to be met with further controversy as the state gears up for the upcoming elections.


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